Weed Management

GoldenRule’s Integrated Weed Management

GoldenRule’s integrated weed management is part of our GoldPlan Lawn Care. Ultimate success against noxious weeds or any undesirable pest, is what GoldenRule is determined to provide. Our treatment combines four control solutions for lawn noxious weeds, as we strive to control the problem without using unnecessary chemicals.


  1. Cultural Control – take care of the originating cause of the weeds
  2. Organic Control – always look at natural and organic solutions to treat the problem
  3. Physical Control – sometimes instead of spraying the entire lawn, all you need is to cut out the problem manually (no chemicals needed)
  4. Substance Control – when the weeds have taken over a lawn, we use products that target only the current weeds. We always look out for what matters most, your family! (including pets)


By combining these four control methods we are able to not only take care of the unsightly weeds and unwanted weedy grasses, we are able to do it with the least impact to the environment.


Weed management in landscape plantings is often made difficult by the complexity of a variety of plantings, including a mix of annual and perennial ornamentals. The great diversity of ornamental grass species, soil types, slopes, and mulches creates the need for a variety of weed management options. There are also considerations regarding public concern about the use of chemicals to control weeds and their effect on water quality if the herbicide moves offsite through runoff. The choice of a specific weed management program depends on the weeds present and the types of turf or ornamentals planted in the area. Due to all of these factors, weeds in landscape plantings are usually controlled by a combination of non-chemical and chemical methods.


Weeds thrive when your lawn is week. They can grow in soil that is too dry or too wet, in thin areas, or in underfed grass. If you keep your lawn healthy with the proper annual treatments, then weeds will have a more difficult time growing.


Our team of dedicated experts and professional spraying equipment provide the necessary tools to take care of your lawn’s needs to stay on a healthy track.

Top 12 Common Problematic Weeds



Dandelion is a familiar face in spring and fall lawns. These perennial weeds grow long taproots.



Crabgrass gets it name from the leaves, which form a tight, crab-like circle. This annual weed tends to appear in weak or bare areas of a lawn. Both over and under watering favor its growth, as does consistently mowing the lawn too short.

Ground Ivy

Ground Ivy

Ground ivy, also known as creeping Charlie, prefers shady, moist areas of a lawn with low fertility, but also grows in sunny areas. Stems spread over the ground like ivy, rooting at leaf nodes (where leaves attach to the stem). This aggressive perennial weed can be tough to beat.

White or Dutch Clover

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White or Dutch clover used to be a common ingredient in lawn seed blends. These days, this perennial weed is regarded as a bad guy in most lawns. It tends to grow where soil is poor and low in nitrogen.



Chickweed is an annual weed that prefers shady, moist soil with higher fertility, although its seeds will sprout in dry soil as well. Typically, chickweed appears in lawns that are thin and experience poor drainage. The easiest way to control chickweed is to pull individual plants.

Annual Bluegrass

As the name suggests, annual bluegrass is an annual weed. The grass blends well with fescue lawns, but stands out in other turf. It tends to appear where soil drains poorly, overwatering is occurring, and when the lawn is cut too short. The seeds typically germinate in late summer.

Broadleaf Plantain

Broadleaf Plantain

Broadleaf plantain is a perennial weed that tends to appear in poor, thin lawns with compacted soil. It is quite drought tolerant, but thrives in overwatered soil. Plants can grow in shady or sunny conditions. Hand-pulling is probably the best option to control broadleaf plantain. A post-emergent, broadleaf herbicide provides effective kill on large populations.



Violets are perennial weeds that appear where lawns are thin due to shady conditions. This pretty purple bloomer also opens flowers in shades of white and lavender. Don’t be fooled by this weed’s demure appearance. Violets can quickly take over and can be very difficult to eradicate.



Oxalis or yellow wood sorrel is a perennial weed that spreads by creeping stems and seeds. Leaves resemble clover; yellow flowers appear atop foliage. This weed takes off in dry, open spots.

Prickly Lettuce

Prickly Lettuce

Prickly lettuce is an annual weed that thrives in cool seasons of the year. It’s a winter weed. Plants typically appear in disturbed soil, but they also invade thin lawns with irrigated, nutrient-rich soil. Leaves have prickles along their undersides, and plants can be uncomfortable for bare feet. Prickly lettuce spreads by wind-borne seeds, much like a dandelion. Long tap roots make hand-pulling a challenge.

Hairy Bittercress

Hairy Bittercress

Hairy bittercress is a winter annual in warm regions and a summer annual in cooler zones. Plants appear where soil is overly moist. Leaves form a tuft along the ground, and white flowers appear on stalks that stand well above leaves.

Common Purslane

Common Pursiane

Common purslane is a summer annual weed with two root systems, a tap-root and fibrous roots that form along sprawling stems. Plants spread by seeds or stem fragments that can root and establish in soil. This weed appears in thin lawns that aren’t well watered.