Lawn Renovation

Lawn Renovation

Based on the condition of your lawn, we can offer multiple ways to renovate,redo, and or repair your lawn.  And once renovated we can manage your lawn to ensure your investment into your lawn lasts. 

Sod installation


Sod installation is the quickest way to achieve a beautiful, healthy lawn. The process includes removing the current lawn, preparing the area, bringing in new soil if needed, then laying the sod. Sod gives a yard instant results. Other benefits to sod include resistance to weeds, diseases, and pest infestations.



Lawn cultivation


Lawn cultivation involves using a professional grade rotodarian machine to remove the current grass, till the soil, and prepare a new seed bed. This process works great for lawns that are in need of serious improvement, and is followed by seed and fertilizer application. Giving your lawn a fresh start results in lush, healthy grass.



De-thatching removes the layer of thatch (un-decomposed stems and roots that accumulate near the soil surface) and moss from your lawn, allowing it to grow healthier and thicker. It involves using a professional grade power-rake machine to pass over the lawn and remove this layer. It is important to remove moss from lawns because it can quickly take over and is an ongoing problem here in the wet Pacific NW. Thatch needs to be removed because it prevents air, water, and nutrients from reaching your grass root system.

Core aeration


Lawn core aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes, reducing soil compaction, and allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass root system. The results allow for stronger, deeper roots and a healthier lawn.


Lawn top dressing


Applying a lawn top dressing includes preparing the lawn, applying soil, sand, or compost mixture, then seeding and watering. Top dressings are a way to add organic material and restore balance to a lawn. Aerating and thatching prior provide


Options to Renovate your Lawn


Option A


1)  Deep Thatch

2)  Aeration

3)  Slit Seed

4) Fertilize Est


 The goods things:

a)  We will do a very deep/complete thatch. opening up your soil for good seed.

b)  The Cost is  less expensive method

c)  Good method if you are just wanting a quick facelift, but not wanting to start over


 The Bad:

a) Weeds and weedy grasses are not killed, so they most likley will come back, but will be blended with new seed.and over multiple month and care we can “weed” out the unwanted weeds and make lawn more uniform

b) Lawn will take 4-5 weeks to recover

c) Keeping lawn moist 24/7 is needed to establish lawn


Option B


1) Kill all grass and weeds

2) GoldenRule Roto Process:   

3) Applying Soil- Leveling, Grading, Rolling:

4) Slit/Power Seed and Starter Fertilizer  


The Good:

a)  Lawn Will be cultivated 5″ down. Hard Pan, and compacted soil are a non issue.

b) Lawn will last longer, and easier to manage long term

c) Little to no weeds or weedy grasses when lawn grows in

d) Near Perfect lawn in 4-5 weeks.


The Bad:

a) More expensive

b) Dog Fence wires, Drains, Sprinkler wires, all need to be marked.  (unless deeper than 6″)

c) Longer Process- More more detail oriented.  


Option C


1) Kill all grass and weeds prior to renovation.

2) GoldenRule Roto Process:     

3) Applying Soil- Leveling, Grading, Rolling:

4) Installing Sod (brand new instant lawn)


The Good:

a)  Lawn Will be cultivated 5″ down. Hard Pan, and compacted soil are a non issue.

b) Lawn will last longer, and easier to manage long term

c) Little to no weeds or weedy grasses when lawn grows in


The Bad:

a) Cost the most

b) Does not do well in shady areas