Moss Management

Lawn Moss Management

Although not quite a weed in the broadleaf/grassy sense, moss is a nuisance in a lawn and often takes over the grass, so people most often want to know how to get rid of it. However, before you can control your moss, you must understand why it is present.


Main causes of moss:

  • Shade
  • Excess moisture
  • Poorly drained soil or compacted soils
  • Thinning grass
  • Covering limbs


Think Cultural Control First:

The most successful long-term strategy for moss control is to grow grass that out-competes the moss, and that is exactly what GoldenRule emphasizes. Excessive moisture must be eliminated and the proper species of grass planted in the problem areas. Maintaining grass, by proper watering and fertilization to promote growth, helps to exclude the moss.

GoldenRule’s Moss Solutions

1. Confirm good drainage through aeration, installation of drainage, and/or sand topdressing.

5. Do not overwater grass. Be sure to irrigate sufficiently during the dry season to promote growth. Water in the morning, NOT in the evening.

2. Control thatch to promote good rooting of grass and to enhance drainage.

6. Mow grass at the correct cutting height for the species of grass grown.

3. Maintain soil pH between 5.8 and 6.6 and provide adequate nutrition for the lawn with a balanced fertilizer program. Fertilize 0.5 lb N/1000 sq ft

7. Try to remove moss by hand or by power-raking/thatching. Reseed with a grass species more suited to the site.6. Mow grass at the correct cutting height for the species of grass grown.

4. Provide good air movement and adequate sunlight by pruning nearby trees and shrubs.

8. Consider substitutes to grass if we cannot physically meet lawn needs with sunlight. (example – area pinched between house and fence that receives little sunlight, consider adding a plant or rock bed instead of grass)